This software utilizes familiar plot structures. The chosen plot structure provides a framework for your scenes. These structures can be added to your project and modified. Plot points can be moved via drag & drop: simply hold a plot point and drag it to the new location. Additionally, create new plot points using the PLUS sign at the top right, and delete them with a swipe to the left. If a plot point with attached scenes is deleted, the scenes are not removed; instead, they are moved to the home plot point (at the top).

How do plot points and scenes differ?

Plot points are identified by a circle symbol, while scenes are marked with a theater symbol.

How do I create a new scene?

On this page, there's a tree view. Click on a plot point's name to create a new scene, which will be added as the last scene under that plot point.

How do I edit an existing scene?

Click on a scene's name to open it for editing.

How do I delete a scene?

Swipe the scene title to the left and use the red button to delete it.

How do I edit a plot point?

Swipe the plot point title to the left and press the gray button.

I don't see any scenes anymore, just plot points. What can I do?

Click on the small arrows on the right. This will expand the tree, making the scenes visible.

How do I change the order of my scenes?

Move the scene within its plot point using drag and drop. To switch to a different plot point, swipe the scene to the left and use the gray arrows. However, moving a scene in the structure does not change its chronological order. The chronological overview is available in the TIMELINE (Toolbox -> Timeline), which is accessible only if your story includes dates.

On this page the scenes are created directly from the plot.

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