StoryWriterTool - Make it your story.
This software utilizes familiar plot structures. The chosen plot structure provides a framework for your scenes. These structures can be added to your project and modified. Plot points can be moved via drag & drop: simply hold a plot point and drag it to the new location. Additionally, create new plot points using the PLUS sign at the top right, and delete them with a swipe to the left. If a plot point with attached scenes is deleted, the scenes are not removed; instead, they are moved to the home plot point (at the top).
Plot points are identified by a circle symbol, while scenes are marked with a theater symbol.
On this page, there's a tree view. Click on a plot point's name to create a new scene, which will be added as the last scene under that plot point.
Click on a scene's name to open it for editing.
Swipe the scene title to the left and use the red button to delete it.
Swipe the plot point title to the left and press the gray button.
Click on the small arrows on the right. This will expand the tree, making the scenes visible.
Move the scene within its plot point using drag and drop. To switch to a different plot point, swipe the scene to the left and use the gray arrows. However, moving a scene in the structure does not change its chronological order. The chronological overview is available in the TIMELINE (Toolbox -> Timeline), which is accessible only if your story includes dates.
On this page the scenes are created directly from the plot.
From Spark to Story – Your Partner in Crafting Engaging Narratives.