
Ideas can be recorded at any time via the red 'i' symbol located at the top right of every page. This ensures that no idea is ever lost.

These ideas can be linked to a plot point, scene, character, or setting. Whenever an element associated with an idea is edited, the 'i' symbol turns red.

Here are some examples:

  • You capture an idea for a character. The 'i' symbol turns red when you open this character's profile, and also when you open a scene in which the character appears.
  • You capture an idea about a plot point. The 'i' symbol turns red when you are working on a scene that falls within that plot point.

If you click on the red 'i' symbol, you can access the ideas that you should be reminded of at the bottom of the ideas window.

Where do ideas appear that are not assigned to an element?

An idea not assigned to any specific element is categorized as a 'STORY IDEA'. Your reminder button will appear on the 'MY STORY' page and on all pages that are not linked to a specific item.

What do I do when I've finished working on an idea?

Once you have finished working on an idea, it can be archived for future reference.

How do I capture a new idea?

To capture a new idea, simply tap the 'i' icon located at the top right corner of any page.

Where can I find archived ideas?

You can find all ideas, both current and archived, in the 'BUILDING BLOCKS' menu.

How do I delete an idea?

To delete an idea, go to Building Blocks -> Ideas and swipe left on the idea's title.

How do I know what the idea refers to?

Each idea is marked with a small symbol next to its title, indicating its type: a dot for plot points, a theatrical mask for scenes, a figure for characters, or a tree for settings.

The red 'i' symbol located at the top right of the interface indicates the presence of an idea. When you click on this symbol, a popup window opens for creating a new idea. In this popup, below the input area, you can view the ideas that have been previously noted.

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