Guide: What is a scene?

The smallest element of a story is the Beat. A beat is a step in action, comprising a short sequence of actions and reactions.

Multiple beats are combined to form a scene. In this software, we primarily work with scenes. Lively scenes are composed of beats that generate conflicts. In addition, scenes that are valuable to the story contribute to changing the prevailing mood of the plot.

Several scenes can be summarized into a sequence. A sequence is a series of scenes that culminate in a minor climax or low point.

The so-called Act is a sequence of sequences. An act concludes with a significant change, known as a turning point. Here, we focus on the action structures, referred to as Plot Structures.

Finally, these elements form a chain that constitutes the entire story, the narrative.

This leads to the following basic structure: Beats -> Scenes -> Sequences -> Acts -> Story.     

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